Design 2 Wire Project

For my wire project, I decided to do a small figurine stool because I thought it'd be fun to recreate as a bigger model. I found this project to be really challenging and very time consuming. I have never worked with wire before, or drills before. I found it a bit ironic because here I am never working with wire before and my boyfriend has made me many wire hearts and he's very good at it. I've had to start over at least three times with this. I first made a smaller version, had to restart. Then I made the circles of the cushion, and somehow one of the circles became smaller than the other one and could not match the other's size, so I had to redo that one. After half of it was done the circular cushion part, I had to make eight frames of the legs and attach them. I'm really happy with how the shape came out for those. After I attached the two frames for each leg, I had to attach the top of the legs to the bottom of the cushion. This part took me many times to ...